Thursday, February 2, 2012

Why is it that so many people on here have such poor spelling and grammar skills?

The use of poor spelling and grammar is a good way to make an otherwise intelligent question or answer sound ignorant, so why is it that nobody bothers to check thier spelling and grammar?

There are these things called dictionaries and grammar books out there and a lot of the people on Yahoo! Answers need to use them.Why is it that so many people on here have such poor spelling and grammar skills?
It's because some of these people are only 9, 10, and eleven. It just goes to show you how the school system is failing our children.Why is it that so many people on here have such poor spelling and grammar skills?
For the same reason you have no idea about who owns an intrest in the oil fields in Iraq. Bush and friends have a

big intrest in the oil fields here and in Iraq.Why is it that so many people on here have such poor spelling and grammar skills?
It's because they know you're going to understand their question any way that they choose to write it.

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