Saturday, February 18, 2012

What does the German word "Erdenbewohner" mean in English? I can't find that word in my German dictionary?

The closest word I can find is "Erdbewohner" ? So which spelling is the correct one? Or both are correct?What does the German word "Erdenbewohner" mean in English? I can't find that word in my German dictionary?
both are correct. "Erdenbewohner" sounds more poetical and, imo, more beautiful.

it means "terrestrials"; "earthlings"

Actually they are synonyms, but German - as every other language - has subtle connotations.

Intuitively, I would use "Erdbewohner" talking about "earthlings, terrestrials" or species that really do live on/below the ground ("Erd-" meaning "soil" in this case),

while using "Erdenbewohner" when talking (poetically) about mankind/ all human beings.

Both are used, and they're the same thing: "Earth-dweller", "inhabitant of the Earth".

See Google Books:

"Erdbewohner" 29,500 hits鈥?/a>

"Erdenbewohner" 11,000 hits;cli鈥?/a>What does the German word "Erdenbewohner" mean in English? I can't find that word in my German dictionary?
earth dwellers
The Germanic languages (and those who speak them) form compound nouns so freely that you cannot expect a dictionary to record them all. This truth is less evident in English simply because we do not always write them as a single word, although this is purely a spelling convention. If, for instance I decided to clean my roof with a brush I would feel completely free to invent a word "roof brush" (whether I spelled it roofbrush, roof-brush, or roof brush) on the analogy of toothbrush and clothes' brush. My dicitionary has Erdbewohner, mearning "earthling". There are however several compounds of Erd (meaning "earth" which as in English can mean both the planet and dirt or soil), and also of Erden with the same sense. I see no reason not to use Erdenbewohner as a synonym of Erdbewohner, except that is has an unnecessary extra syllable.What does the German word "Erdenbewohner" mean in English? I can't find that word in my German dictionary?
Answer 1 and 2 are correct. I had to look it up on the web by Google.

I'm on a roll, so don't mind me now!

Hopefully you found what you're looking for.


"inhabitant of the Earth" is the best translation. Earthlings would be Erdlinge and Terrestrials would be Terrestrische. Erdbewohner doesn't sound so much like scifi.
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