Sunday, February 5, 2012

If a word is spelled wrong in a dictionary how could you tell?

usually it's right enless it's an old version and it's really old. or you can check with the two other ones. best two out of three.If a word is spelled wrong in a dictionary how could you tell?
Compare it to two other dictionaries.

Whichever spelling shows up twice is the right one.
look it up on another dictionary or on line. If that doesn't help ask someone... maybe a teacherIf a word is spelled wrong in a dictionary how could you tell?
you look it up online or in different dictionary.
thats why they have hundreds of people go over it before they release itIf a word is spelled wrong in a dictionary how could you tell?
There are a lot of words that can be spelt differently without being wrong.
You can't
By definition, the spelling is correct in the dictionary. So even if the publisher makes a typo or something, that's too bad.
you can't!

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