Sunday, February 5, 2012

When there is a spelling mistake on a question why do people just criticise the spelling?

I mean it's not as if we all sleep with a dictionary under our pillow and it wouldn't be too bad if the question was being answered BUT just to make a comment about the mistake is so sad.

By the way please feel free to comment about any spelling mistakes - only if you have nothing better to do!!!When there is a spelling mistake on a question why do people just criticise the spelling?
i know what you mean I'm blind and hit the wrong keys some time or just guess the one i want and some times people have been aw full just please remember not every one is perfect i get very upset ans am starting to wonder if its worth putting up with the flack
that doesn't bother me but don't both to read nmore than the first line of questions that aren't properly constructed sentences or text-speak.When there is a spelling mistake on a question why do people just criticise the spelling?
Some people are a little snobby and pedantic. That's why!
Some people have no tolerance or appreciation of others difficulties. Some simply can't spell or are dyslexic.

For others it's all they know, nit picking, or they get some sort of feeling of superiority, or feel they are defending the integrity of the language.

Why don't they just stay away or answer the bloody question?When there is a spelling mistake on a question why do people just criticise the spelling?
Man is a political animal - so said Socrates. Some people just can't help themselves and fall into that party known as the Critics. Others remain staunch supporters of other political parties, the Sceptics and Cynics. No matter whether we think of ourselves as right or left in our political opinions, we all fall into one or more of the above categories.

All of the above simply generates an urgent desire to prove to others that we 'know something' and one of the easiest ways to be an annoying 'sod' is to pick up on spelling errors or bad grammar.

I pay scant attention to Critics because no one ever put up a statue to a Critic.
pure ignorance no doubt
I agree is a bit smug and unnecessary. I have made a few mainly because I tend to type quickly and not edit properly....freely long as the gist of the question is there I never worry about others mistooks.
To embarrass you into spelling the words correctly. There's a spell checker on the page, you know.
A variety of reasons:

2 points for doing nothing.

You may not have slept with a dictionary under your pillow but you would've gone to school.

It's a lot harder to understand questions that aren't spelt correctly for example text message short hand and

lastly above is a button specifically for checking spelling.

WELL DONE to you though no mistakes.
Making a mistake out of ignorance is acceptable but some people are too lazy to type the correct spelling which is unacceptable.
Because some people think they are better than others and have to pick fault
You have hit the nail on the head with the last part of the question - they have nothing better to do!!!

The best thing I saw was last week, someone had put a question on and there were some major grammer errors, some girl noticed this and wrote a 5-6 liner explaining the grammer was wrong and it just looked 'plane stoopid'

This was great, she had written the wrong type of plain (should have been plain) and she had spelt stupis wrong!!!

I added a comment to this answering the question, and insulting the insulter.

Theres a saying, don't insult others until you are perfect yourself!!!
Did you double and triple check to make sure your spelling was impeccable?
I personally don't comment on spelling mistakes,but why people don't use the spell checker I have no idea!
coz thay aint got nufin else beta 2 do
probably because they are too dumb to think of a good answer to the question!! - spelling mistakes on Yahoo - dont really matter as long as we can understand what you are trying to say!
Sometimes answerers are just being pedantic but at other times questioners spelling and grammer is so appaling that it invites correction.
I know what you mean. I am not english and I got my grammar wrong and some woman just have to correct me. It p*ssed me off! People should realise that not everone writing here is english and that spell check does not catch it all.
The same reason they answer a question with "sorry I dont know the answer" its just to get points, what they dont seem to realise is it just shows they havnt got anything better to do.
it is the nature of some people to look bad side of some one else
Ignorance usually, self grativication. Whose English is correct? The "English english, American english, Australian english? They should just get a life and stop being so critical, if the intention is clear, they should just answer the question.
I dont know why they do it, but i have noticed it aswell and wondered the same thing, i sometimes spell words wrong as i type quiet fast and miss some of the keys or press them the wrong way round.
Because the person doesn't know the answer, and they're just scoring an easy two points for writing drivel in response.
maybe they don't know how to answer so harp on about spelling to gai points!!!!

my spelling is terrible!!!!
Why do they do it? As you suspect, it's mostly because they do not actually have something worth saying, so criticising people's spelling gives them something to write about and makes them feel good.

The problems with spelling English mainly arise because of the inconsistencies in the English writing system, which has never been properly revised over the years. Portuguese, for instance, gets revised every 50 years, and has a consistent writing system which makes it easy for children to learn to read and is easy for everyone to write. Ours is a dreadful drain on educational resources, but the status of English as an international language makes it difficult for us to change it.

A spellchecker doesn't help, by the way, when the word would actually be spelt correctly if it came in a different sentence - such as "their" and "there".
I agree, Trainspotters come to mind. You can tell they go through life thinking they are right about everything. As long as you understand the question, is it necessary to try and belittle the person !!!
We spelling nerds just can't help ourselves.

You have no spelling mistakes there.

you didnt have any mistakes there !!! it would be funny if you did though especially with that question !! dunno, some people just like to nit pick i s'pose !!
some people take yahoo way too seriously
this really annoys me on here people come here for help not to be lectured on there spelling.
you aint made any spelling mistakes have you, because people are t******

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