Sunday, February 5, 2012

What is the thing with spelling grey and gray?

I have seen both in numerous places. Spellcheck says gray. My dictionary says grey with gray as a variant. What gives?What is the thing with spelling grey and gray?
Hi. According to Google Answers, the two words have almost the same meaning in all cases, and g-r-a-y is simply an American derivation of the original spelling g-r-e-y. According to Flak Magazine, the difference can be chalked up to the same happenstances that led to organize/organise judgement/judgment. And neighbor %26gt;%26gt; neighbour!

Apparently e.e. cummings and Prince are partly to blame as well. However, among the several hypotheses for why gray and grey exist, I believe the following to be the best:

Gray is a color.

Grey is a *colour*. or grey is an emotion

American English prefers the spelling "gray." British English favors "grey."

Since I have spent much of my working life in Journalism I go with the American style which is consistent with most American style guides.

Personally I rather like "grey."What is the thing with spelling grey and gray?
hope this will help you鈥?/a>

and this鈥?/a>

Both the spelling are correct you need to understand their uses

um not a man, um little ghost lol


ghost form Pakistan
They mean the same thing even though they have different spelling. Grey is the English spelling of the word, wheras gray is the American spellingWhat is the thing with spelling grey and gray?
grey is the color of a cloud when a storm is coming,.. gray the colour my hair is turning .. hehehe sorry couldn't help that one.. I asked my mum the same question .. My mom said pretty much the same thing :P

my name is gary.people use to call me gray for a nickname so i always used gray for the color.this doesn't make any sense at all i know,but it always worked for me.

gary gray...bye now.
Grey is the English spelling of the word, wheras gray is the American spelling.

Hope this helps :)
Just another wonderful quirk of the english language. Do you like the color gray or grey? Or maybe you like the colour gray or grey?
ur spellchecker is American. If it were British it would've insisted on GREY.
A colour between black and white.

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