Thursday, February 9, 2012

If there was a word spelled wrong in the dictionary how would we know?

well.. obviously if you cannot tell that its spelled wrong, then you won't know until someone points it out. Of course you can always cross reference it, if you believe its not spelled correctly.

go on or webser's website to check :)If there was a word spelled wrong in the dictionary how would we know?
Well there are many other dictionaries out there so you could compare if someone thought something was a bit off. If you wrote a complaint, the dictionary company would probably see if it's an alternate spelling word. If it is indeed a typo, they'd fix it and re-issue the corrected word in their next issue dictionary.
This has happened before, especially in mass production of books such as the Bible where verses will be mixed up. As other have said cross-reference it and see how the word is most often used or spelled. Majority rules.If there was a word spelled wrong in the dictionary how would we know?
By checking it against your own or others' existing knowledge and/or checking it against another dictionary
mostly dictionary doe'st spell worong so if we feel it worong then we need to go to internet and cleaIf there was a word spelled wrong in the dictionary how would we know?
we wouldnt unless u already noe the word and look it up and c it is mispelled

or u can just google the word
I would know cuz I am jesus! just kidding! Somebody out there would be smart enough to know it!
cross reference other dictionaries
Spell Check. ;)

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