Monday, January 23, 2012

Poll: Is there a word in the dictionary that teenagers have YET to destroy by spelling it the wrong way?

Every day I see common words misspelled that don't have to be.

I am afraid for the future of the English Language.Poll: Is there a word in the dictionary that teenagers have YET to destroy by spelling it the wrong way?
Only the words they don't know exist, which is a lot once you think about it.
The English language is evolving.

If someone from the 17th century heard you speak English, or saw you write it, they would say that you were spelling words wrong too.

I'm sure in 100 years time the English language will be quite different to what it is now.Poll: Is there a word in the dictionary that teenagers have YET to destroy by spelling it the wrong way?
I figured out which word in the English language is IMPOSSIBLE to misspell.


You spell it exactly how you say it!

I am a teenager and I suppose because I am pedantic, I always strive to spell correctly.
Maybe as they grow up they will grow out of it. I think the English Language will survive cause of some/most who appreciate and use it correctly.

Cold?Poll: Is there a word in the dictionary that teenagers have YET to destroy by spelling it the wrong way?
The word "it" . Is it possible that they can spell it wrong?
Well most respect curse words, but they're not in the dictionary.
I'm a teenager, and I have excellent spelling.

That's about the only word I haven't seen misspelled
pr011y n0t

its not ruined. hehe
They always spell 'Epic Fail' right. There is hope. :)
cahnt theenk uf ahny. noup nawt whun

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